Thursday, December 23, 2010


Fear is one thing that plays big role in our life, there are 3 different kinds of fear. Fear from others, fear from yourself, fear from god. I don't know if the fear in you is good for you or bad. I'll let you be the judge. Fear is one thing that stops everyone from becoming successful. Who does not wanna be successful. Everyone does, but fear is one thing that makes us not succeed. How you ask? The above question is answers from what I have said before, Fear from others, fear from yourself and fear from god.

So then how is fear good for you? When a person has fear, they tend to give up things for others, in other words we call it a sacrifice or just a defeat. I don't know if that's a good thing or bad. It sounds bad but it makes you take the decisions. For example: If your a skinny little guy. You have fear of getting beat up, that is why you never kick up an argument. So a skinny guy would never get beat up in his life, while a big guy, who thinks he is all built and can take anybody will get into fights more often and get beat up a lot of times. Even though the image of skinny guy is not what everyone wants, but at the end it's better to be a skinny guy then the built guy. Same thing with fear. It is sometimes good to fear something, then not to fear anything.

The first type of fear mentioned from 3 types above is fear from others. We do things certain way because we think what other people might think of us. That is a fear from others, the sub category in fear from others is fear of getting accepted. We wear certain types of cloths because we want to get accepted in the neighbor hood we live in. Other sub category is fear from society, we behave nice, we behave good in front of people so the society accepts us. Ex: We want to become an artist, but we choose a different career because our social status will get effected or we will not earn enough money to survive in this society. Another Example is when you behave nice to your boss, even though you do not like him, because if you don't you will loose your job.

The other catagory is fear from yourself. A fear to lose. A person tends to give up on lot of things that they like or do, because they think they will be unsuccessful at it. Ex, A guy likes a girl but he never asks her out, because he has a fear of getting rejected. Basically a fear from yourself is lack of confidence. This is what a person needs to work on to be successful.

Fear from god. This is one of the fear that you should be glad you have it. Usually when a man does not believe in god, they tend to give up on good deeds, they become selfish and then all they think about is how to secure his future. Ex, A man who believes in god is probally scared that if he commits wrong, he will be punished. While a man who believes there is no god has no fear. The fear in god is sometimes a good thing, and gives a positieve angle to our lives.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


This is a blog about technology, Science, Inventions and all, but I also look at few aspects of Psychology. Because psychology it self is a science and art of explaining a human behavior and non-human animal mental process and behavior. One of the things that I really believe in is "motivation". Motivation is basically a goal-oriented behavior.

If we look at all the great people, they them selves are "self motivators". They motivate them self to achieve the impossible. Motivation is also used by highly social people, to build friendships and connections. Motivation is also used for self control. The reason people commit suicide is due to lack of motivation and self control.

So my advice to you guys is never give up, cause if Thomas Edison gave up on his idea of light bulb, which he tried 1000 of times and failed. But his goal was clear and he was full of motivation. I am posting a very motivational video which you guys can watch have get some inspiration. This is not my video, it was held in one of the TED's conference.


Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Stay Hungry Stay foolish

So lot of people want to do business. They want to become an entrepreneur, but there is nothing to motivate them. I came across a great book which motivated me to start up my own business. I have always been doing the web designing business. The name of the book is "Stay Hungry Stay Foolish". This book is all about IIMA graduates, and who became a successful entrepreneur's.

This book not only motivates you to start your own business but it also teaches you how to expend your business and make it big. It goes over those little things on how to be rich. It gives you statements from great business men. So look for the book "Stay Hungry Stay Foolish" and read it. Enjoy!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Hacking experience

BIG NEWS, ever dream of hacking like a pro. Want to learn it? After my two posts on hacking people wanted an easier method. I would like to tell you that hacking is not easy, also I have said it before and I'd like to repeat my self. Hacking is when you create something, while cracking is destroying something. Always be an ethical hacker.

Now some real talks. Are you ready to learn some real hacking? Are you willing to give your 100%? Here is a little secret, what if I tell you that you can learn hacking officially. Does that sound crazy, but it's not. Go to the following website and you can learn hacking officially. This site teaches you how to hack websites. There are missions that you complete. You need to register in order for you to complete missions. But the good news is that it's free to register.

So here you go, have fun learning.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Record your own Song!

Everyone in their life at least once dreamed of recording a song. So what can you do to record a song? First you need beats, how to create sick beats, with all the instruments for free? Use fruity loops, it's an amazing software that you can try for free but you have to pay in order to save the beats onto your computer. I would suggest it's a good investment, buy it. Then write down some good lyrics that goes with your beats. Practice, Practice, Practice the song till you get everything right. Get a microphone from a dollerstore, that's right you heard me dollerstore, or you can buy a cheap microphone that can be plugged in your laptop from any electronics store. Once you do that, and you have your beats, you can transfer the beats onto audacity. Make sure you save your beats in MP3 format, other format's are ok too but MP3 works for sure. After that, plug in your microphone with your laptop and press record in Audacity and record your song. Cheers!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Site on google

Google gets more then 300 million hits a day. So if you have a business or if you have a website that you want more hits on, google is the best place to place your site.

So you have a website, and you want to put it on google. So when people search your site it will appear on google search engine. Here's a link where you can add your site on google. ... just click on the link and you can add your URL on google. Google doesnt give you a surety that it will add your URL but if your site is informative then they will put your site on google index.

So now that you added your site to google, how do you make your site better so that when people search, your site will come first on the google search. First of don't make your site with flash player. Google uses a search spider, which goes through your site and it reads all the meta tag, so make your site in HTML and use a lot of meta tags, also when you make your site in HTML it's much faster to load as it takes less space. Make a site with more then 30 pages and you will have more chances of your site appearing on google.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Hacking 2

Lot of people liked my first article on hacking, so I decided to write another one. More in depth view on hacking. I don't call my self a hacker, because I know hackers. Hackers are the people who love what they do, who love originality, who love to make stuff. Once again the crackers are the one who are the lazy ones. I think cracking can be done by any body! And I say this because, a person who can create a system can destroy it. So hackers are the people who create systems. How amazing is that. Let me give you a quick example: People say Steve Jobs is the one who came up with the apple computer, wrong. One of his buddies Stephen Wozniak was the one who was part of the hackers community came up with the apple computer. Steve Jobs is a business man, who made apple famous. When I say this I don't mean that Steve Jobs is not smart. This man is one of the smartest man on this planet. But his friend didn't care about the money, fame. All he cared about was his passion, his invention. He did get money for what he did. Hackers should get paid for their effort.

Now to some hacking stuff, so now that you have a more understanding of what real hacking is, you need to know some stuff before you can begin, knowing your programming is very essential, you need to love what you do. If you can't do that, you'll never be able to become a hacker. Some of the languages I would suggest you learn is C/C++, Ruby, Python, Java. And you definitely need to learn UNIX, Linux. They are open sourced Operating System. They are great for understanding the fundamentals of computer. Microsoft windows is the most widely used OS, but it's closed source, so hacking using MS Windows is like dancing in the closed box, in which you can hardly fit. Unix is used for desktop and more server use. And when you are learning a language I suggest you don't go out and buy books that says, learn c in 10 days. You cannot learn any language in 10 days, for you to learn a language it takes at least 10 years. To master it, to have fun with it, to create what people cant even think of. Social life should not matter, money should not matter, fame should not matter. Sounds tough doesn't it. Unless and until you don't feel this, you are not going to be a real hacker.

It has been said that, a little information is dangerous then no information at all, so what ever you do, if you decide to do something do it to the fullest, do it right. Never give up. For more information on hacking, more suggestions, comment on the blog, give me your info, I'll contact you!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Social Dynamics

I am no Sociologists, but I have learned a lot about social dynamics. People now a days join facebook, msn, twitter, and many other social networks so they dont feel lonley, they dont feel alone in this cold world. Where people are trying to get more closer to their friends using such networks, they are getting further apart from their friends. How you ask? I want you to ask your self a question, How many friends do you have on facebook or msn or any social network site. Now the next question is how many do you really talk to? It's been said that people with over 200 friends on their facebook talk to only few in reality, about 4-5 people. Is this really being socially active? The fact is that these sites makes you more anti-social then social. A lot of people spend a lot of time on facebook, talking to certain people they like talking to, who they can relate to, where as they could be spending that same time going outside meeting more people with the same interest. This is the problem with kids today, they dont want to go out, explore the world. Sitting in front of the computer screen for more then 6 hours a day, if not computer TV. This is what's wrong, parents allowing their kids to stay home all the time, when I was little my parents used to tell me to go outside and play, meet new kids. But parents dont understand and they are too scared to send their kids outside. What if they get kidnapped? What if they get hurt? These questions run through their mind. And then they buy their kids video games, and all the video games are so violent these days that it leaves a violent effect in the kids brain. And when the kids grow up, all they have seen is violence and they grow up to be a violent person. A kidnapper him self. So my request to the parents is that let your kids go out, let them see what the world is all about, they will learn. If they get hurt, they will know how it feels and it's all a part of the learning process. It is always bad to keep your kids locked inside the house, because the moment they get freedom, they will go all out. For example, if you compress the spring to the maximum limit, the moment you release it, it will shoot out. That is what happens to kids too. Your kid will be more social by going out then playing those video games or chatting online.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Print using Javascript!

Lot of people ask this question, how do we use a print button on our website that allows us to print the article or what ever it is? Well the answer to that is that there is no such way, where you can just click the button and it will fire up the print, but there is a way, where a user can click on the button and it will prompt the print window, then it's up to the user to print the page.In this article I am going to tell you the little secret where you can just print right from your website instead of going through the hassle of copy pasting the document in the word, and then print it. Lot of browsers give the user the opportunity to print the document using the browser. But to make it easier for the user, you can provide a user with a print button, where the user can just click and the print window will pop up, prompting the user to decide weather to print or not. So the code goes some thing like this:

INPUT TYPE="button" value = "Print" onClick="window.print()"
dont forget to put <> brackets around FORM, /FORM and INPUT TYPE...

Just paste this code in your HTML code, on the page where you want the print button to appear and your set!!


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Wireless webcam monitoring

Alight so I was cleaning up some garbage form my house, and I came across an old web cam. I decided that I should put that to a use, as the web cam was decent. it worked outside with battries just like a camara, and it worked as web cam. One can do alot of things with a good camera. I was thinking of making it as my room monitoring device but then thought it would use of lot of memory, so why not make something just for fun.

So i went to the market bought a remote controlled car and took the camara apart, just kept the circuit with the batty holder. Also the web cam had a USB output to plug it into the PC or laptop. My only question was, how can I transfer my data using that USB port into my laptop wirelessly. So I went out trying to do some research, and came across a facinating device called "Xbee".

Xbee (Pronounced as ZigBee) is a suite of high level communication protocol using small, low power digital radios. It comes with a USB output, which enabled me to put it to use it to my webcam and connect it to the computer. There is a pair of xbee needed for this purpose and it costs you around $30 dollars each. When you use only 2 xbee, it makes the project easy as one does not have to define which one is master and which one is slave. If you plan on using more then 2 xbee's you have to specify which one is master and which one is slave.

So after this, it was very easy for me to trasfter data from the webcam to my laptop, and you can turn on the webcam, and the laptop, and ride your wireless remote control car around. After making this project, I wanted to see what other things you can do with xbee. Few things that came to my mind was a wireless speaker, that you can carry around the house, while you keep you laptop at one place. I also want to try to make a wireless mouse using xbee.

Try it your self, let me know if you have any suggestions. Email me at


Friday, February 26, 2010

Hacking Passwords!

Alight boyz and girls!! This is some of the coolest thing you would ever want to do. I am writing this article for educational purpose. Hacking is illegal, and should not be done. Be an ethical hacker, help save the world from the bad guyz. Alight enough said, before I tell you guys how hacking works and how you can start hacking, I want to tell you guys a few things about hacking. Hackers are the people who work for "security" ethically, to remove the bad guys. The crackers on the other hand are the people who destroy security, the bad guys. You don't want to be a bad boy, because there are lot of Hackers waiting to crack on the bad guys.

When it comes to hacking passwords, there are number of ways you can go. The most easiest way, that anyone can do it is "Key logger", no knowledge of programming required. The other popular method is brute force method, in this we look for possible keys to break the password until the key is actually found. The hardest and common hacking technique used to get the password is SQL injection.

First off key loggers, you can go on google type in "key logger" and you will find a lots of websites that will give you a key logger for limited time. Just click on one of the links download a key logger and you good to go. Key logger works in the background of your windows, that means no would know that it's working, and it records every single key that has been pressed. Amazing isnt it, all you gotta do is download a key logger, get familiarized and make your friends use your computer and boom. You can get their password.

Next method, which is brute force method is a very effective method but yet time consuming. In this method what happens is that let's say a website asks you to enter a password and it's only numbers and we assume that the person your trying to hack the account of had 6 characters. that means 6 numbers. You generate all the possible passwords there can be knowing it's 6 character number password. If you know this information, you can calculate number of possibilities (6^10)=60466176. we use 10 because there are 10 number (0-9). So you generate all the possibilities and compare it, and hack it. I made a c-program that generated all the possible passwords and using TCP/IP stack I checked it with the user name on that website.

The third method is SQL injection. This method is used by lot of people to hack passwords. SQL is used by all the website to store there username and password. So imagine going into the system and pulling out the password this is what SQL injection does. To do this you should have a very deep knowledge of programming, and hacking passwords for sites like facebook are almost impossible, because facebook has 7 layers of security before you can get to their SQL data base.

These are some of the techniques used by people out there to get passwords. So do it, have fun, and remember be an ethical hacker.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

How to save your Laptop batteries!!

Did u buy a new laptop and in a year or so your battery died?? Does that sound familiar. So basically in this blog i'll tell you how to save your laptop battery. This are some of the things you can do to extend your battery life. NOTE: Your battery will eventually die, you cant do nothing about it. But you can extend your battery life by doing following things:

1) When you plug your computer using your power supply, take out your battery. If you want to charge your battery only then keep your battery inside, or else take it out, what happens is that when you leave your battery inside and is fully charged the current has to go through your battery in order for your computer to work, so the computer takes a bit of power from your battery and keeps on charging it. This makes the battery life die more faster.

2) Use the battery only when needed. If you have a outlet where you can plug your computer, take out your battery and use the power supply! This not only saves your battery but it also keeps your computer cool. When you have a battery inside, laptop gets much hotter.

3) When you are using your laptop on the battery mode make sure you use the laptop on that mode until your battery fully discharges, and then charge it. Do not charge the battery when it's half done!

4)Never keep a full battery for more then a week. Use it at least once, always keep your battery discharged, if your not going to use it. If you are going on a train or bus and you need battery, charge it right before you go.

5)Keep the contact between your battery and laptop clean!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

My first blog!!

Hello world. This is my first blog, I wanted to talk about somethings that are happening. I have reading week coming up starting from Monday. I have a lot of things to work on. I have to work on my EDP (Engineering Design Project), I also have 5 midterms coming up. I have few assignments due right after reeding week. so that's going to be crazy, but I got some good news today, I got accepted for TEDx Waterloo event. Which is amazing, for the people who dont know what TED is TED stands for Technology Entertainment and Design. This is a great way to meet all the smart people, all the PHD's, all the big guns. But unfortunately I cannot attend this because I have a midterm on Feb 26, 2010 and the TEDx event is on Feb, 25, 2010. I am kind of disappointed with that, but it's all good. Other then that everything was good.