Thursday, December 23, 2010


Fear is one thing that plays big role in our life, there are 3 different kinds of fear. Fear from others, fear from yourself, fear from god. I don't know if the fear in you is good for you or bad. I'll let you be the judge. Fear is one thing that stops everyone from becoming successful. Who does not wanna be successful. Everyone does, but fear is one thing that makes us not succeed. How you ask? The above question is answers from what I have said before, Fear from others, fear from yourself and fear from god.

So then how is fear good for you? When a person has fear, they tend to give up things for others, in other words we call it a sacrifice or just a defeat. I don't know if that's a good thing or bad. It sounds bad but it makes you take the decisions. For example: If your a skinny little guy. You have fear of getting beat up, that is why you never kick up an argument. So a skinny guy would never get beat up in his life, while a big guy, who thinks he is all built and can take anybody will get into fights more often and get beat up a lot of times. Even though the image of skinny guy is not what everyone wants, but at the end it's better to be a skinny guy then the built guy. Same thing with fear. It is sometimes good to fear something, then not to fear anything.

The first type of fear mentioned from 3 types above is fear from others. We do things certain way because we think what other people might think of us. That is a fear from others, the sub category in fear from others is fear of getting accepted. We wear certain types of cloths because we want to get accepted in the neighbor hood we live in. Other sub category is fear from society, we behave nice, we behave good in front of people so the society accepts us. Ex: We want to become an artist, but we choose a different career because our social status will get effected or we will not earn enough money to survive in this society. Another Example is when you behave nice to your boss, even though you do not like him, because if you don't you will loose your job.

The other catagory is fear from yourself. A fear to lose. A person tends to give up on lot of things that they like or do, because they think they will be unsuccessful at it. Ex, A guy likes a girl but he never asks her out, because he has a fear of getting rejected. Basically a fear from yourself is lack of confidence. This is what a person needs to work on to be successful.

Fear from god. This is one of the fear that you should be glad you have it. Usually when a man does not believe in god, they tend to give up on good deeds, they become selfish and then all they think about is how to secure his future. Ex, A man who believes in god is probally scared that if he commits wrong, he will be punished. While a man who believes there is no god has no fear. The fear in god is sometimes a good thing, and gives a positieve angle to our lives.